Avatar 2 Is Disappointing: 5 Big Reasons Why It Fell Short
It doesn’t take more than 2 milliseconds after asking what my favorite movie is before I enthusiastically respond – “Avatar – the one with the blue people.” So you can imagine my immense excitement when I heard the long-awaited sequel was finally coming. I nearly cried in the movie theater…
Is Where the Crawdads Sing Racist? | The Shocking Truth
“‘Jest an ol’ ni**er walkin’ to town. Watch out, ni**er-boy, don’t fall down,’ they taunted Jumpin’, who kept his eyes on his toes.” (pg. 95, Where the Crawdads Sing). Immediately after I read those words I looked to the inside of the back cover to double-check the race of this…
She-Hulk Bad Reviews Explained | The Show People Love to Hate
Waves of She-Hulk bad reviews have been flooding the internet ever since the series debut and even more so since the unconventional finale. She-Hulk has had Marvel fans up in arms. My brother, a devout Marvel lover, really DID NOT like this series but… I kinda did… The passionately negative…
Honk for Jesus Save Your Soul Christian Review | Disappointing Ending
Respectful critique of Christianity, specifically the church, is a welcome discourse in my book. The church is not perfect. There have unfortunately been so many really disappointing scandals within Christianity. God is perfect but unfortunately, the people who are supposed to be examples of Christ are often very imperfect. This…
Ms Marvel is Bad (The Comics are Better) | Honest Review
The Disney + series, Ms. Marvel, took the well-constructed storyline of the Ms. Marvel series and drug it through the mud. The messy, unfocused themes, plot points, and characterization made what could easily be an enjoyable series something quite annoying and only moderately tolerable. If you enjoy really cheesy, tired…
Icescape Film’s Void | A Fascinating Narrative on Barrenness & Desperation
Void is an independent film about a woman, Rhea, with infertility issues who will do whatever it takes to conceive her own baby, even if it means dabbling in dangerous occult practices. Directed by Vaibhav Gattani, this film poetically captures the desperation and despair associated with the barrenness of body, mind,…
3 Similarities Between Free Guy Truman Show | Review
Free Guy is a modern version of The Truman Show with resemblances like the main character’s carefree naivete, the world within a world, and forbidden outside love. If you enjoy the metaverse, then Free Guy is the movie for you. Free Guy Truman Show Movie Review Free Guy is an action, comedy movie…
What Is the Point of the Movie Annette? And 7 Other Important Questions, Answered
Have you finished watching Annette, and yet, are left with more questions than answers? Are you still wondering, “What is the point of the movie Annette?” Or rather, are you considering watching Annette but are you confused by what to expect? Well, wherever your bewilderment lies, this post is hoping…
This Part of Spider Man No Way Home Plot Makes No Sense | Spoiler Review
*THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.* The verdict is nearly unanimous that the Spider Man No Way Home plot is spectacular, and that this film is a must-see event. This sentiment is further emphasized by the fact that it was not only the biggest box-office release this…
The Flying Trunk | Honest Short Film Review
The Flying Trunk is a 13-minute storybook-like tale of a magical case that can take the characters wherever they want to go within the small village of Shimla, located in the lower Himalayas of India. Although the concept of the film was fascinating, the plot failed to venture outside of…