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The Best Legal Templates for Blogs | #1 Is a Crowd Favorite

Legally protecting your blog is crucial to building a profitable business on the internet. This article will give you three lawyers turned bloggers who have made the best legal templates for blogs in order to give you the peace of mind that you won’t get sued out of your hard-earned money.

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the best legal templates for blogs
the best legal templates for blogs

When I first ventured out to start a profitable movie blog, I expected fun and games and lawless rolling in cash. But, where there is money, there are rules. A lot more rules than you would think.

Having absolutely NO background in law, I was overwhelmed with the idea of having to read up on all of the laws concerning online business endeavors, especially after having exhausted myself from becoming an overnight computer programmer trying to set my website up in the first place. I enjoy studying people and relationships, not computers and law, so I needed major help. I needed a shortcut. But you can’t take shortcuts with the law.

Legal documents have to be as airtight as possible or else you might be up against an expensive lawsuit robbing you of all the blood, sweat, and tears you put into building a business. Having the security of a legally protected blog gives you the freedom to return to the reason you started a blog in the first place, to discuss your passions and make a profit doing so.

So in this article, I’m going to discuss how I was able to securely and legally protect my blog within a matter of minutes. And let me tell you, the mental relief, the security, and the freedom you feel once your legal parameters are in place are so incredibly refreshing.

Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer to any extent so none of this counts as legal advice. 

Why You Need To Legally Protect Your Blog

What if you have an article and someone steals it?

Or if a company that you promoted ends up being a shady business?

How about if people took something that you said too literally and made bad decisions because of it?

Having legal pages on your blog protects your company from being sued and gives you the peace of mind to blog (reasonably) more freely.

Besides protecting your business, having the necessary legal pages on your site opens more financial doors for you as well. High-quality ad networks and affiliate programs WILL not work with you if you do not have the essential legal pages present on your website.

  1. Privacy Policy
    • A privacy policy page discloses to website users what data is being collected and how that data is used. Every website running without this page is running ILLEGALLY and liable to fines.
  2. Disclaimer
    • A disclaimer protects you from any blame that someone may place on your blog. It usually includes disclosures as well for affiliate programs and sponsorships.
  3. Terms and Conditions
    • A terms and conditions page lays out the legal relationship between the visitor and the website owner. This includes the refund policy if you have one.

The point of these essential pages is to ensure the privacy of each person using your website, especially if you’re using Google Analytics, Ads, email lists, or any marketing at all. It also protects your own work just in case someone steals it and covers your behind if anyone finds your content misleading.

It covers all your bases so that people don’t have grounds to sue you.

Check out this article by Amira, a real lawyer who is responsible for helping me keep my blog legal, for more information about the legal necessities in blogs.

affiliate marketing promo

Legal Templates for Blogs | 4 Options

Option #4: Free Legal Templates for Websites

There are some parts of blogging where you can cut corners and do things the free way without any consequences. Legal pages ARE NOT one of them.

You may find some free legal pages for blogs online but these pages are most likely not sufficient to keep your blog legally fortified.

Licensed lawyers have audited these free legal pages and consistently find that they often have loopholes that make websites vulnerable to legal attacks.

I heard about the insecurity of free legal templates early on in my blogging journey so I never wasted time with them and I wouldn’t recommend you do so either. 

If you want to start off with something simple for now while you’re building up your finances, you’re at a pretty low risk for legal issues especially if your blog is still small. However, if you want to build a profitable blog, you’ve got to put some strong fences around your means of income as soon as you can.

Option #3: Liz Stapleton’s Legal Template Bundle

Liz Stapleton has been a lawyer since 2012 and a blogger since 2014. She is well aware of what is legally required to have a legal blog and has created legal templates that are easily customizable for your website. 

screenshot from Template Purchase Page

Included in Liz’s Legal Template Bundle are the three website essentials: the Privacy Policy template, the Terms & Conditions template, and the Disclosures & Disclaimers template. In addition, this legal templates for blogs bundle includes an Affiliate Terms and Conditions template which is useful if you plan to set up your own affiliate program through your blog. 

Along with the essentials, the bundle includes 5 bonuses with additional templates, courses, and an ebook.

All of these materials are for a bundle price of $197. 

Option #2: Lucrezia Iapichino’s Legal Template Bundle

Lucrezia Iapichino is another lawyer turned blogger who has been practicing law internationally for 15+ years. Also a seasoned university lecturer, Lucrezia is passionate about educating new bloggers on how best to legally protect their online business and know their legal rights. 

She’s created this incredibly informative FREE course on the legalities of blogging and even a little about handling your blog financially for taxes as well. Although I personally did not purchase her legal template bundle, the free courses she provides are evidence of her vast knowledge and expertise on how to best protect your website.

Get the Course Here: FREE LEGAL COURSE

Lucrezia’s legal templates for blogs bundle include the essential templates such as the Privacy Policy template, the Terms & Conditions template, and The Disclaimers & Disclosures template, as well as a Copyrights Notice template. 

This legal template bundle also includes 12 extra bonuses: seven additional legal templates and five extra courses.

lucrezia legal templates
screenshot from Template Purchase Page

The Standard legal bundle value pack also receives future updates if any legal templates change, the licenses to use the template on multiple self-owned blogs (only need to purchase it once), access to the Facebook group (over 36k members), and a Private Membership into courses hosted on the learning platform. 

All of these materials are for a bundle price of also $197. 

Option #1: Amira Irfan’s Legal Template Bundle

Amira Irfan, who runs the blog called “A Self Guru,” has been fascinated with business law ever since her dad was sued for $90,000 and put out of business due to not having the correct legal papers drafted beforehand. With over 10 years of experience as a lawyer, Amira shifted this knowledge to blogging to become a millionaire blogger and the creator of legal templates used by over 50,000 entrepreneurs, (including me). 

Other 7-figure blogs like Her Paper Route, Making Sense of Cents, and By Sophia Lee, all have used and endorsed Amira’s legal templates. That sounds like good company to be in if you ask me.

Amira’s has loads of template options but the main legal bundle, the comprehensive bundle is where all of the essentials are. 

These templates work globally and have worked for entrepreneurs internationally as well in places like the US, UK, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, China, India, Australia, Thailand, and much more!

In Amira’s Comprehensive Legal bundle, you get the essentials (of course), the Privacy Policy template, the Disclaimer (with Disclosures) template, and the Terms and Conditions template. In addition to these three templates, you also get nine bonus legal templates along with your bundles. 

Amiras legal templates
screenshot from A Self Guru

These bonuses include templates for the GDPR policy, Cookies Policy, Testimonials Disclaimers, Sponsored Posts Disclaimers, and more!

This bundle also comes with private membership access, lifetime free updates (she just sent updates at the beginning of 2023), Facebook group support, and templates that can also be used on other websites as well.

This is all for $197. And these templates always have a sale going on. When I bought my own, I got it for $157 with the deal and then I paid an extra $90 for the premium legal bundle because the prices were unbeatable. 

I guess all the lawyers sat around and discussed what price they wanted to set their templates to because they all cost $197.

Comparison Chart for Blogging Options

Use the chart below to compare and contrast the top blogging templates for bloggers and decide which one would be the best option for your blog.

legal templates for blogs

Legal Templates from A Self Guru Review

I came across a Pinterest Pin that frightened me because it brought to my attention that I was blogging illegally. I didn’t have any of the necessary legal pages on my website and I was collecting people’s information through Google Analytics. So yeah, I used to live on the edge.

But once I discovered Amira’s Legal Bundle, I realized that all my blogging fears could be resolved within a few minutes.

legal bundle

The Legal Bundle contains all 3 essential legal templates for blogs and I also received some bonus legal templates with my purchase. It was almost too good to be true.

If I’m being totally honest with you, it took me a few weeks after discovering the Legal Bundle to purchase it because it was the most amount of money I’d invested in my blog at the time. But the moment I finally bought it, I felt overjoyed.

I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed spending money to that extent because I felt like I received every single ounce of the monetary value that I invested. I’m telling you, these legal templates for blogs are quite a steal.

Upon purchase, you receive elaborate Word Documents, clearly outlining which areas of the template you need to insert your business name, and business email, and customize the template information to suit your blogging needs. It took me less than an hour to fill out the template and get it on my site.

And on top of that, there are hundreds of 5-star reviews on the effectiveness of these templates and I have yet to read one bad thing about Amira’s Legal Bundle. It’s far above any cheap and complicated Legal template you’ll find online – that’s for sure.

In Conclusion…

If you need legal pages for websites that you own (which you do), I would highly recommend Amira’s Legal Templates. They are so worth it and give you the most legal templates out of the three options.

Lucrezia’s templates are a new discovery for me and have a lot of great information as well as a 7-day refund guarantee option, unlike all the other options. If you want that extra cushion to try before committing, then Lucrezia’s legal templates can give you that safety blanket.

Also, if you just want more in-depth information about handling the legal and financial part of blogging, this free course is really valuable.

In doing my research, choosing Amira’s templates is a no-brainer decision. It is the best blogging legal bundle. Lucrezia’s is a close second providing a lot of free information before committing to the bundle. Liz’s templates provide some extra information that may not be available in the other two bundles. Depending on what you need, between these three options, you’re sure to find it without paying a dime more.

Click the link below to order your bundle and have your blog protected and your mind secured within a matter of minutes!

Are you blogging illegally? Turn yourselves in in the comments below. There is redemption!

And be sure to subscribe for the latest blog updates (form in sidebar).

Peace, love, and lots of popcorn,



  • IMO Flicks

    When I'm not over-analyzing movies, I'm eating chocolate, belting my favorite songs, and binge-watching reality dating shows. Feel free to share your opinions with me and follow me through my social links!

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  • Hannah

    Whew, thanks for writing this post, it was really helpful. It makes sense that you need all of these pages but I really was not aware of how important they are. And you defiantly can’t beat the price!
    Quick question: Is the Legal Bundle customizable for any country, especially outside of the U.S?

    • IMO Flicks

      Yaayy! I’m glad it helped 🙂 That’s a great question. Yes, the Legal Bundle template works for countries outside of the US. The FAQ section of the Legal Bundle says, “These Legal Bundles work for anyone that has a website (any blogger, online entrepreneur, affiliate marketer, course creator, coach, etc) in the US and outside the US as shown by 100’s of testimonials.”

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