
Is Blue Beetle Good? Family Movie Is Extremely Predictable

Blue Beetle

Director: Ángel Manuel Soto

Date Created: 2023-08-18 00:00

Editor's Rating:

Is Blue Beetle Good?

Blue Beetle is a cute, predictable movie that spotlights how family strengthens an individual.

Although the film holds a strong and heartwarming message, its execution of that message is done so formulaically that you can easily guess the next line of dialogue and the complete plot trajectory of the film.

After the first 15 minutes, you can easily predict with shocking accuracy how the rest of the movie is going to go. If you enjoy Disney Channel original movies and are familiar with their standard blueprint then Blue Beetle is the movie for you. 

Is Blue Beetle Good? | Blue Beetle Review

is blue beetle good
Is Blue Beetle Good? poster
Jaime Reyes returns from college to learn that his family needs financial help. Determined to help, he scores a job at a high-tech company and ends up with a powerful scarab that turns him into a hyper-intelligent battle-ready machine, the Blue Beetle.

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Disney Channel Vibes

The formula of this movie felt a bit too amateur for the big screen.

The exaggerated expressions of the characters and the cheesy lines.

The manufactured feel of relationships between family members. 

Silly antics like being caught using the customer-only bathroom to go number two. 

And unrealistic moments like trying to casually wave down the busy CEO of a company you just started working for while she’s in the middle of taking a phone call.

There’s also a formula when predicting the character’s growth in the film.

You know who’s going to end up in a romantic relationship which is easy to figure out for most movies.

And without giving away too much I’ll say this –

When a character is almost too saintly and too perfect, chances are, they’re going to die and fuel the superhero fire to fight. That’s all I’m going to say there.

Not spoiling anything, I’m just stating a classic superhero movie pattern. Nothing more, nothing less.

Moving on – This movie strongly adhered to a tried and true formula which makes it hard to fully engage with the film.

Because of the generic nature of the film, it’s difficult to become intrigued or caught off guard by anything. 

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Family is this movie’s biggest main theme. And Blue Beetle makes 1000% sure that you know that.

The theme isn’t subtle.

Villains repeat this line as an attack on family:

“The love you feel for your family makes you weak.” 

And allies say this instead:

“This house is full of stuff, your house is full of love.”

Although manufactured, the Reyes family dynamic is so much fun and the absolute highlight of this film. 

George Lopez as Randy blew his role out of the water, an absolute crowd favorite. He’s hilarious, sharp, and the most authentic-feeling character of the whole movie. 

Nana was a close second, busting out the most bad*ss moves and covert surprises like you wouldn’t believe.

Together the Reyes family emenated a strong sense of love and harmony and a beautiful display of their Mexican culture as well.

Blue Beetle Graphics

The graphics of the scarab’s power merging with Jaime is pretty cool to behold. 

Jaime learning how to cooperate with the Blue Beetle’s utter control of his body strikes a close resemblance to Marvel’s antihero, Venom.

On the other hand, the villain’s version of the Beetle looked like a clunky transformer. 

The fight scenes in the movie are quite underwhelming.

They bring nothing exhilarating to the table and the fight choreography is yawn-worthy.

In Conclusion…

Blue Beetle is a good movie, but it leans a little bit more towards mediocre. It’s cute, basic, and predictable.

You don’t need to use half of your brain to understand what’s happening in the film, and where it’s leading. 

The Disney Channel-styled formula makes it feel a bit like something you may have already seen before.

But its inclusion of familial love, beautiful Mexican culture, as well as cool graphics associated with the Blue Beetle transformation are what set this movie apart.

Rating 6/10

What do you think? Is Blue Beetle good? Let me know in the comments below!

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Peace, love, and lots of popcorn,



  • IMO Flicks

    When I'm not over-analyzing movies, I'm eating chocolate, belting my favorite songs, and binge-watching reality dating shows. Feel free to share your opinions with me and follow me through my social links!

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