
Is The Green Knight Good? Now – Don’t Get Me Started

The Green Knight

Director: David Lowery

Date Created: 2021-07-30 00:00

Editor's Rating:

Never have I ever been more anxious to get out of a movie theatre in my entire life.

That was my experience with The Green Knight.

I just wanted to leave but the $11 I, unfortunately, spent on the experience pulled me back to the seat. I’m telling you, if this movie were streaming for free, I would’ve been out the door an hour in.

Before I tell you why, let me attempt to explain what this movie was even about.

is the green knight good
Is the Green Knight good? movie poster
The Green Knight is a medieval story about a man with a witch mother who works her magic to arrange a deal with the Green Knight that wins him a knightly status in the kingdom. A year after meeting the Knight, the man must make a treacherous, and rather boring, journey to follow through on the deal he made with the Green Knight.

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Is The Green Knight Good?

Now, I love me a good medieval fantasy story. I’m always looking for a little more Game of Thrones in my life. So, obviously, I wanted to love this film.

The raving reviews and high ratings for this movie validated my interest in this film although yes, I was confused about the skeletal plot description. I just thought that knowing less about the film before watching it would be more fun, which it usually is. In this case, it was not. 

I did not have fun. 

I was genuinely wondering if I could get a refund of my money although I had to accept that I could never get back those 3 hours of lost time (including travel time). However, I did enjoy the popcorn that I got an hour into the movie to keep me awake so at least that was money well spent…

Why The Green Knight Is Bad

Now, why did I dislike this movie SO incredibly much? Great question.

Let me start with this, it has nothing to do with the technical elements of the film. It is cinematographically good. Lots of picturesque moments and landscapes. I like the style of the king and queen’s crowns. Visually, a good-looking film. Not stunning though. It just looks alright. Like a moving photo catalog.  

Besides that, the film is completely lacking any depth, soul, or connection. It was utterly empty.

I had no care for any of the characters. We were not made to connect or relate with them in any way. They could all die and I wouldn’t bat an eye. 

The plot is dry and confusing. The relationships between the characters are vague and the journey that the main character has to embark on is disjointed and meaningless. 

The whole time I was thinking, “What is the point?” 

I came home and did my best to recap the whole movie to my sister and she asked me, “What was the point?”

“Exactly!!!”, was my response. 

I was watching a sequence of pretty pictures with pretty people and pretty graphics that meant absolutely nothing at all. 

The Green Knight’s Cryptic Meaning

Wait, let me say, the end of the movie had me thinking a little bit about an overall message. A message of integrity. Of earning your position honestly. But, still, because of my distinct disconnection with the film, the message really didn’t hit home.

There’s no punch to it.

It was just a recognition of ok, that moment seems to carry a bigger message of integrity. But come on – you couldn’t have made the journey to this message a little more engaging? That’s all I’m trying to say.

The Green Knight’s Time-Wasting Abstract Style

I read a review that made a comparison between this movie and 2001: A Space Odyssey likening David Lowery’s style to Stanley Kubrick’s style of direction. I recently watched 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time. It was painful to watch, I fell asleep several times. And personally, this abstract style of movie direction is not for me.

I want each artistic stroke to create a bigger, more meaningful picture. Don’t spend 2-3 hours of my time making random strokes that at the end of the day, create a vague shapeless mess.

With visual art, if something doesn’t connect with you, you spend a few seconds on it and you move on. With movies, that’s too much time to waste to determine if the picture was worth your time. Nope. Not for me. 

I’d much rather have low-quality cinematography, sound, editing, all of that, but a meaningful story and characters with substance than a series of pretty pictures that could mean everything and nothing at the same time. 

In Conclusion…

Is the Green Knight good? No, the Green Knight is not good if you’re looking for an engaging, fantastical journey. If you want a portfolio of pretty, moody moving pictures, then maybe you’ll enjoy the movie like critics have.

So yeah, let’s not waste any more time on this hollow movie. Green Knight was not for me. I was completely disconnected the whole time. It was not an engaging style or story and I genuinely felt like I wasted my time and money.

Call me uncultured but this film is not worth 89% on Rotten Tomatoes. I don’t know who’s paying these people to inflate those ratings but no – not worth the time. 

Rating: 2.5/10

What did you think of The Green Knight? Let me know in the comments below!

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Peace, love, and lots of popcorn,



  • IMO Flicks

    When I'm not over-analyzing movies, I'm eating chocolate, belting my favorite songs, and binge-watching reality dating shows. Feel free to share your opinions with me and follow me through my social links!

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