
Extraction 2 Action Sequences | The Best 3 Action Scenes

Extraction 2

Director: Sam Hargrave

Date Created: 2023-06-16 00:00

Editor's Rating:

The exquisite combat choreography that distinguished the first Extraction movie is further perfected in the second go-round of the Extraction franchise.

The camera moves with the fight scenes like a pair of hungry eyes not wanting to miss a single piece of the action, following the movement the best that it can.

The Extraction 2 action sequences expertly use what’s within and outside of the frame to spark intrigue and boost eye-widening adrenaline.

The perfectly timed and realistically appearing one-take action scenes are what elevate Extraction 2 action sequences from your average action movie fight scene and really make this film worthwhile.

These are the top 3 action sequences in Extraction 2.

**Heads Up There WILL be spoilers in this review.**

Top 3 Extraction 2 Action Sequences

extraction 2 action sequence
In Extraction 2, Tyler Rake (played by Chris Hemsworth), having miraculously survived and recovered from his near-death mission covered in the first film, is back for a mission that hits closer to home: extracting his ex-wife's sister's family from their abuse-ridden life in a Georgian (the country) prison.

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1. Escaping Prison

The first and best fight scene of Extraction 2 starts at the 26-minute mark of the movie.

Initiated by the daughter’s loud squeaky toy that gets the attention of other prisoners, Rake and the family’s attempt to escape the prison is no longer a secret.

The camera starts by panning through to the now-raucous prisoners as they alert the guards before panning up to the escaping Tyler Rake in the same scene.

We follow Rake as if we’re vulnerable fugitives trying to escape this chaos with him. We are absolutely immersed in this high-energy moment with Rake and the family.

As people attack from all sides, our attention tries its best to catch up.

Perfectly timed explosions, clever combat tactics, and unexpected backup present themselves within the one-take shot just in the nick of time.

A truly stunning moment within this impressive one-take action scene is when Rake and the mother are taking on several adversaries in the prison courtyard. Their teamwork as well as Rake’s perseverance after several blows is exhilarating to behold.

If you watch no other part of this movie, just watch this 21-minute action sequence.

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2. Escaping Austria

The second and next best action scene begins at the 1:08-minute mark. The Georgian gang finds the family with Rake by way of an undercover spy, a secret alert, and private operatives (AKA the bone-headed son with an unfounded loyalty to his abusive father’s Georgian gang).

This fight scene is not a one-shot, one-take scene like the first one was. Instead, it incorporates many different camera angles, and camera shots spliced together, more typical of your average action sequence.

There’s a lot more heavy weaponry involved in this fight scene with falling helicopters, explosives, and large ammunition.

Similar to the first long fight scene, this one is also quite long, about 15 minutes and it takes place in several locations as Rake is trying to move the family to safety.

We see the fight start as low as the parking garage and move all the way to the roof of the building.

3. Retrieving the Boy

The final notable fight sequence in Extraction 2 is at the 1:36-minute mark where Rake goes out to save the boy from the grips of the Georgian gang that he willingly gave himself to.

This fight scene is more low-key involving more silent-sniper action and more 1 on 1 combat.

The shortest fight scene, running only about 8 minutes long, this action sequence moves at a slower pace than previous ones.

This one involves more mind games and slow careful movements interrupted by quick decisive bursts of activity.

Less large explosives and more use of everyday tools as weapons as Rake single-handedly wrestles with the gang leader.

This leads up to an ending that ends with a slow diffuse and a bang that rings out in vanity.

In Conclusion…

Extraction 2 is immersive, high-energy, and tense. Each action scene is less exhilarating than the last but the excitement of the initial action sequence carries the energy for the rest of the film

In an interview with Polygon, the director of Extraction 2, Sam Hargrave, speaks on the intentionality of using one-take action scenes saying he wants “to provide an immersive experience for the audience.”

The success of this tactic proves why the 21-minute 1-take action scene is the best action sequence of Extraction 2 and the perfect way to engage the audience in this exciting narrative.

The other action scenes are thankfully sparsed out with slower, more character-building moments to allow the audience to recover from the high-impact moments and prepare for the next one.

The other action scenes offer different approaches to the action sequence, ensuring that the one-take shot isn’t overdone to the point of boredom.

And the open-ended conclusion to Extraction 2 means that there are most likely more intensely clever action sequences to come and I’m here for it.

Rating: 8/10

What did you think of the Extraction 2 action sequences? Let me know in the comments below!

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Peace, love, and lots of popcorn,



  • IMO Flicks

    When I'm not over-analyzing movies, I'm eating chocolate, belting my favorite songs, and binge-watching reality dating shows. Feel free to share your opinions with me and follow me through my social links!

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