Comedy,  Romance

Is Love Again A Good Movie? | Formulaic Plot but Exciting Cast

Love Again

Director: James C. Strouse

Date Created: 2023-05-05 00:00

Editor's Rating:

Is Love Again a good movie?

Love Again is a cute rom-com with a hopeful message. It includes its own unique perspective on love focusing on the power of technology to connect people in new ways like never before and the inclusion of the timeless vocal sensation, Celine Dion.

Besides the unique elements that Love Again includes, it does nothing more to differentiate itself from the formulaic, Hallmark-like, predictable flow of your average rom-com. This doesn’t stop the movie from being an enjoyable comfort watch, but it’s not necessarily a memorable stand-out piece either.

Is Love Again A Good Movie? | Love Again Movie Review

Is Love Again A Good Movie
After the devastating loss of her boyfriend, Mira continues to text his old phone number with longing messages of grief and love as a way to cope. Little does she know that this phone number has been reassigned to heartbroken cynic, Rob who's fascination with these messages from a stranger lead to a hopeful journey of learning to love again.

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A Relatable Portrayal of Love

There were several aspects of this movie that closely resembled how people can become connected and fall in love in the modern world.

From the film’s very beginning there is a clear focus on how the phone is the central connector of the film’s romantic leads.

In this day and age, communicating through text, dating apps, and social media has become an increasingly powerful tool for human connection. This film does a good job of portraying this method of finding love in the modern world.

“Do you think you can fall in love with someone just through their words?”

The simplicity of the romance between Mira and Rob was also very relatable.

The slow build-up to unraveling their feelings for each other.

Simply talking on a bench all night long.

Awkward conversations about hypothetical situations.

Unlike some shows where falling in love is this extravagant journey with skydiving and expensive excursions, Love Again represents falling in love in such a down-to-earth, relatable manner that doesn’t overcomplicate things and feels like two normal, imperfect people, finding peace, comfort, and hope within one another.

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Overstated Dialogue

Despite how relatable the story and the romance can be, the script that accompanied it was stiff and unnatural at times.

The script has a bad habit of overexplaining itself and verbalizing things that could easily be shown instead.

For example, the relationship between Mira and her sister, Suzy, felt quite overstated. What sister leaves a voice message saying, “Hey, it’s your sister?”

Suzy mentioned that she was Mira’s sister far too many times. In my experience, all my sister has to do is breathe, and I already know it’s her. We don’t say hi by saying “Hey, it’s your sister.”

Suzy would repeatedly say things along the lines of:

“Good thing I’m an awesome sister.”

“Hey, how about you call your sister back?”

She just mentioned that she was Mira’s sister far too many times for the relationship to feel natural.

So while the film did a decent job representing a realistic romantic relationship, its portrayal of a sibling relationship felt a bit too stiff and uni-faceted to be relatable.

The film was also too on the nose about a lot of other things that could easily be implied instead.

For example, there’s an instance where Rob is checking his ex’s Instagram, and her caption for a new post with some guy is “Introducing my new guy.” Nobody captions a hard launch of a new beau like that.

Just so unnatural.

The formulaic overstating of implied things, circumstances, and the predictability of this film gave it strong Hallmark movie vibes. And to make matters worse, a Hallmark film titled “Love Again” already exists further diluting the ability of this film to stand out among the noise.

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Game-Changing Celeb Inclusions

Priyanka Chopra Jonas plays Mira, the romantic female lead in this film, and in real life, she is married to Nick Jonas as most people are aware of by now.

Having a Nick Jonas cameo in this film was such a hilariously fun inclusion. Knowing their real-life situation (married with a child) and seeing it contrast with the uncomfortable horror first date that they had in this film is hilarious to watch.

The Nick Jonas cameo is very well executed. Jonas nails the self-indulgent, full-of-himself date.

Another huge and honestly the main event celebrity inclusion in this film is the presence of Celine Dion. The fact that she is in this film is one of the driving reasons why this film even made it on the map in the first place.

In this film, Celine is the guardian angel and guiding light of Mira and Rob’s relationship.

She sustains an almost superhuman, goddess quality about her where she is this all-knowing expert of love. She also recounts her own real-life love story in the film, making the emotion and sentiment of the story feel more real.

Again, we see this inclusion of real-life romance interwoven with the fictional romance of this movie’s plot. It gives the film a needed layer of realism.

I think that the notoriety of the cast of this film is what makes it stand out and make a name for itself where the script and plot fall in line with the typical, predictable love story.

In Conclusion…

Love Again is a predictable rom-com about finding hope and having the courage to believe in love again after heartbreak.

“The ice, it thickens. Someday it’ll support your weight.”

Despite the stiff script and predictable plot, Love Again finds its unique elements within its use of popular celebrity cameos and the circumstances that draw two traumatically heartbroken individuals together.

Love Again is not a bad film and it is a decent watch. But to say it’s a good film doesn’t do justice to other existing films with more memorable, well-rounded, heart-grabbing plots.

Overall, Love Again is a mediocre film whose outcome you can predict by watching the trailer alone. If you want to see Celine Dion, Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and Sam Heughan tell a basic love story then that is the greatest appeal of this movie.

Rating 5.5/10

What do you think? Is Love Again a good movie? Let me know in the comments below!

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Peace, love, and lots of popcorn,



  • IMO Flicks

    When I'm not over-analyzing movies, I'm eating chocolate, belting my favorite songs, and binge-watching reality dating shows. Feel free to share your opinions with me and follow me through my social links!

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