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Movie Blog Progress Report 2023 Q3

My goals for 2023 Q3 were the following:

  1. A profit of at least $1,000
  2. At least 10,000 page views a month 
  3. At least 3 sales of the Movie Review Journal
  4. At least 250 ACTIVE email subscribers

Movie Blog Progress Report 2023 Q3

Movie Blog Progress Report 2023 Q3
Movie Blog Progress Report 2023 Q3

Movie Blog Income Report


Affiliates: $598.95

Ads: $21.92

Movie Journal Sales: $3.71

Total Income for Q3: $624.58


Canva Pro: $119.99

Regal Unlimited: $65.97

Stupid Simple SEO: $397

Total: $582.96

Net Income: +$41.62

Pageviews for Q3

Peaked in August with 4,812 pageviews and then dipped in September with 3.926. Had technical difficulties with the Ezoic plugin that significantly reduced pageviews for some time. 

There were also issues with the movie review generators too so big technical messes to clean all around.

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Top Pages for Q3


Finally getting some of the work that was published in 2023 in the top 10 list. Most notably is the dethroning of the keep track of movies watched to 2nd place while movie review examples take over. 

Also learned that that page was overrun with ads so I had to reset my settings on Ezoic to make that page more pleasant. Pageviews have continued to grow there. 

Ever since I updated “ways to track movies” it’s seemed to decline in pageviews. I’m not sure why this happened but I should probably look into it. 

Email Subscribers

244 which is really close to the goal of 250. 

Social Stats

Pinterest: 24 followers (up by 3)

Twitter: 11 followers (up by 1)

Instagram: 265 followers (up by 4)

Youtube: 106 subscribers (up by 5)

Facebook: 6 followers (0 change)

TikTok: 59 followers (up by 10)

Very minute changes to social media. I did not put any additional energy or effort into changing my social stats so no real strong feelings on these results. 

Movie Journal Sales

A total of 2 sales, both in August. We didn’t quite hit our goal of 3 but I’m happy that there were more than 0 sales!

movie review journal promo spider

Goals for Quarter 4

Job hunting…

It’s been nice, establishing this blog as a business full-time but it’s not bringing in a sustainable amount of money at the time. 

Also, life has been happening lately and I don’t have a lot of mental energy to dedicate to the blog. It would be nice to have something that doesn’t require so much out of me yet compensates me for my time. 

It’s also hard to stay on top of everything as a solo blogger. Watching the movies, reviewing them, creating templates, marketing everything. It’s far too much to juggle for one person. 

In the process of trying to make life easier and more fun I’ve seemed to do the opposite. So I’m going to get a job and go back to doing the blog on the side with the new foundation I was able to build this year. 

So Quarter 4 is all about solidifying my automations so that my tools and systems are working hard and working well so that I don’t have to. 

Good, solid, evergreen YouTube video advertising the movie review journal is a big thing I want to accomplish early in Q4 before Christmas shopping really starts up. 

Catching up on all the major 2023 movies that I missed so I can make content on the best and worst films of the year. 

Adding a new Movie Review Generator and making sure all the existing ones are in good shape. 

Making sure the existing Movie Review Templates are in good shape as well. 

We’re going to go back to posting once a week and honestly keeping the vibes fun, cool, and casual. 

We’re going to rest in this final quarter for real. 

Watch movies, journal about them without stressing about making an aesthetic video that only 3 people will see, post something nice, and then take a nap. 

Hopefully, we can get some sales on the movie journal for Christmas. 

That’s a good goal. 

We’ll hash out some more details tomorrow. 

Peace, love, and lots of popcorn,



  • IMO Flicks

    When I'm not over-analyzing movies, I'm eating chocolate, belting my favorite songs, and binge-watching reality dating shows. Feel free to share your opinions with me and follow me through my social links!

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